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Falling For A Black Billionaire 2 Read online

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  “Wait, the pharmacist. I saw her in the paper the other day. That’s a unique name that I would never forget.”

  “Oh yeah, she’s been making moves around Atlanta. I’m proud of her, but what’s the question.” He looked at his watch. “I told the wife that I would go pick up the kids today from school, and I’ll be on time. Last time I wasn’t on time, and I got my head chewed off.”

  “Would you have married her if you knew she had sex with two guys within twenty-four hours?”

  Phalec chuckled and then scratched the tip of his nose. “Well, I’m the second guy to have ever been with her; however, if that was before me, then I wouldn’t be mad. Couldn’t be mad. It was before me.”

  After a brief moment of silence, Phalec patted me on my shoulder. “Well, I have to get going. I’m not a therapist, but you have my information if you want to talk,” he said and showed himself out of the room.

  I couldn’t believe that I kept asking people about the situation with Lawrynn. I guess it was because I couldn’t believe that a woman was not hung up on me. I had never experienced it before. I hated myself that I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I wished that I could remember what went on, but I couldn’t. I went over to my desk and called the billing department to let them know the price for Phalec. I sat down and drew out a few things before I packed up and headed home.

  One hour later.

  I stopped by the store to get a few things before I pulled into my gates and parked my car behind Jasmine’s Bentley. My house was built the way that I drew it out to be. It wasn’t massive like Spence’s house, but it was up there. I also didn’t have a glass roof like he did. It was eight thousand square feet with everything you could ever dream of on the inside. As soon as I opened the door to my home, Jasmine was waiting right there for me, holding up two dresses.

  “Which one?”

  “Any one you want to wear babe. It’s just a dinner where you meet my brother and sister, and their child. Trena may stop by and even my parents, but who knows.” I shrugged.

  “Your parents!” she shrieked. “Well, I’ll definitely dress more modest then.”

  “Whatever you want babe.”

  She kissed me on my cheek. “Okay.”

  I watched her walk down the hall and up the stairs to my bedroom. Jasmine was beautiful. People would think that she was a model with her golden skin and high cheekbones and small body structure. She almost reminded me of Tyra Banks. She was damn near six feet tall, was all legs, and that was such a turn on. Jasmine and I had been messing around for years, and almost a week after coming back from Hawaii, I took her to dinner to make things official with her. She wondered if it was the wedding that had me feeling like I needed a significant other.

  My phone rang, and it was Spence, and I answered it while I was walking in the kitchen to set my briefcase on the table.

  “Yeah,” I said into the phone.

  “Anything specific?” he asked.


  “Does your friend have any allergies?”


  “You’re still salty about your bad day. I’m bringing out the good wine, so it’ll take your mind off your bad day. Also, your parents are going to stop by for dinner, so you’re going to need the good wine.”

  I groaned. “I’m glad that I told her that they might stop by already. I hope they are under control because you know how Mrs. Kriss can act when you bring out that good wine.”

  “Oh no, I think after the last time Kriss laid mother out, I think she’ll be controlled with her, but with Ms. Lovelace, I’m not sure. Prepare her.”

  “Who’s all going to be there?” I asked.

  “Just the family. Ms. Barksdale will be out with Alton, in case you’re wondering.”

  “I wasn’t wondering, but does she know that—” I started.

  “You will mind your business. See you soon,” he said and hung up.

  I walked upstairs, and Jasmine was sitting on the side of the bed in a lace black panty and bra set putting lotion on her long ass, toned legs. I leaned against the door panel and stared at her. She looked up and blushed at me, and I could feel myself hardening in my pants.

  “Why are you standing there staring at me? You need to get in the shower. I laid out an outfit for you,” she said and eyed my member standing up in my slacks. “Trevor, we don’t have time for that. I’ll have to start this whole process over again, and I don’t want to.”

  I walked over to her and stood directly in front of her. I unzipped my pants, fished my penis out of my hole, hoping that she would change her mind.

  “Come on, babe. I had a long day. I need—”

  “Maybe later… Promise.”


  I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I got undressed and hopped inside. As soon as I stood under the water, I started to stroke myself. Was this how this girlfriend shit was going to go with Jasmine? When we were just meeting to have sex, we would have sex anywhere: the house, the car, before a date that she went on, the pool, basically anytime I wanted it, but now that we were officially together, we don’t have time. I’m not looking forward to getting used to that because I’m a man with a very healthy appetite for sex.

  After I got out the shower, I dried off and put on the clothes that Jasmine had on the bed. She must have picked them up when she was on her way here from her parents’ house. This was definitely something that I wouldn’t have chosen for myself, but I’d wear it to make her happy. I was in the mirror looking at myself when Jasmine came over and stood in front of me.

  “You look nice, babe,” Jasmine said to me.

  Jasmine had on a form fitting blue dress, but it wasn’t too tight. Her light blue dress was the same color as this shirt that she got me. She had on a pair of silver shoes that made her an inch shorter than me. After I sprayed on some cologne, I called Enrique to bring the truck around. After a few glasses of Spence’s good wine, I wouldn’t be able to drive. I prayed that Jasmine would be ready to take care of me when we made it back home.

  Thirty minutes later.

  The whole ride over here, I was telling Jasmine about my mother and the way that she was. Jasmine swore up and down that she could handle my mother, but we were going to see. Any woman that could deal with my mother was good enough to marry. I think that’s what attracted Travis to Kriss even more because she was a spicy young woman.

  “My God!” Jasmine said as we drove past the gates of Spence’s estate. “This house. Like, this is not a house. This is… something out of a movie. What is this house?”

  “Wait until you see the inside.”

  After we parked, Enrique got out and opened the door for me, and I walked around and opened the door for Jasmine. As soon as we stepped on the last step, the door came open, and Spence was standing there in a black shirt with black slacks, and Kriss had on a beautiful black, strapless dress, making me smile. I knew that she only wore that dress to piss my mother off because she hated when women wore their shoulders out without a cover-up. One thing I could say about Kriss, being married to a billionaire hadn’t changed her at all.

  “Jasmine, this is my brother Travis, and his wife, Kriss,” I introduced them.

  “Please, Ms. Lovelace, call me Spence. I and my wife are happy to have you in our home. Please come in, my parents and sister are waiting to meet the young lady that Trevor can’t stop talking about,” Spence said and opened the door wider for us to come in.

  She grinned and looked at me. “All good things, I hope.”

  “Certainly,” Spence responded with a smile.

  Jasmine walked in first, and I stopped to hug Kriss, and I eyed Spence who winked at me, and I winked back as a silent thank you for telling Jasmine that, knowing I hadn’t done anything like that. I caught Jasmine by her hand and led her into the living room where my parents and Trena were sitting. Trena had her head in her phone as usual.

  Jasmine turned and looked at me, and then looked up. “Oh my gosh! T
his house doesn’t have a roof. What the heck?” Jasmine spoke in a hushed tone.

  “I’ll give you a tour after you meet my parents,” I told her.

  My mom stood and gave me a once over and a tight-lipped smile. “Interesting color shirt, son. How are you doing?” I kissed my mother on the cheek and then shook my dad’s hand.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Jasmine Lovelace, my girlfriend,” I introduced them to her.

  My mom looked Jasmine up and down before saying, “Wow. That… color seems to be going around.” She sighed.

  “Mother,” I said to her.


  “Can you tell Jasmine that it was nice to meet her?”

  “No. I’ll be in the dining room,” she said and walked away.

  “Jasmine, please excuse my wife. It was nice to meet you,” my dad said and shook her hand.

  I looked at Jasmine, and I could see her bottom lip quiver.

  “It’ll be fine,” I whispered. “My mom is like this with everyone. She’ll warm up to you.” I kissed her cheek.

  “Not with that God-awful color on she won’t,” Trena said when she finally looked up from her phone.

  “Anddd this… is my sister, Trena. Trena, say hi to Jasmine.”

  “Hi to Jasmine… and that shirt,” Trena said and walked towards the dining room.

  “I’m not going to be able to make it through dinner, Trevor,” Jasmine turned to me and said.

  “Relax, you’ll be fine. I promise. Let’s take a tour of the house,” I told her.

  I took her hand and started leading her towards the hallway. After thirty minutes of walking around this palace, I could tell that she was falling in love with his house. Mostly everything in this house was custom made just for Travis, and no one in the world could get one just like it. That boy spent his money well.

  “Trevor, if we get married, can you please get us a house built like this? This roof is breathtaking. We can have at least three or four kids, three dogs, and maybe a cat or two. Oh my God!”

  “Slow down, woman. You’ll have to ask Spence about—”

  The intercom came on, and Spence said, “Trevor, dinner is about to be served. Please come back down to the dining area. Thank you.”

  “Wow! An intercom. Do you have one in your house?”

  “Yes. I just don’t have to use it as often.”

  A few minutes later, we were walking into the dining room, and we took a seat right across from my parents with my mom being across from Jasmine, Kriss and Travis at the ends of the table, and Trena sitting next to my mom. The room was quiet as we were waiting to be served.

  “So, Jasmine, what is it that you do? Please don’t tell me that you got picked up at 227 as well,” my mother said.

  Cutting my eyes to Kriss, she rolled her eyes and picked up her glass of wine and chugged it. This dinner was going to be very interesting.

  “Mrs. Spencer, I’m in between jobs—”

  “Ah, great. In between jobs,” she spoke harshly before picking up her glass of wine and taking a sip.

  “Well, at least you weren’t naked in front of Trevor’s peers. Where did you receive your education?”


  If Jasmine told my mother that she only had a high school education, she would lose her mind. Jasmine used to be a bartender, and that’s where I met her. She was my bartender one night, and after a few drinks, we took a bathroom break and we’d been tight ever since.

  “Mother, Jasmine is planning on going back to school.”

  “On whose dime?”

  “I have my own money, Mrs. Spencer,” Jasmine said to her.

  “That’s what they all say,” my mother said.

  Before Jasmine could open her mouth to say anything else, the servers started bringing the food out. I looked at Jasmine, and I could see the tears pooling in her eyes. She would never be able to survive this family if she let a few jabs from my mother make her cry. She must be stronger than that because the jabs would never stop coming, even if we got married. Before we could pray, Jasmine picked up her fork.

  “They don’t pray over the food where you’re from? Were you raised in a barn?”

  “Opal,” my father called her by her first name.

  “If you were going to pray, then I’d much rather eat without it, and take my chances with any type of food poisoning,” Kriss mumbled, making Jasmine laugh.

  There was no prayer, and we all started to dig into our food. It was quiet, and the only thing that you could hear was the forks clinking on the plates.

  “So, Kriss, where is Quad?” I asked her.

  “He’s upstairs with Prie, probably giving her a run for her money. There was no way that we would be able to host a great dinner party with a teething little baby down here,” she replied to me.

  The dinner got quiet again, and I looked up at my mom, who looked like she was trying to find more pressing questions to ask when Edward, Spence’s butler, came rushing around the corner with someone on his heels.

  “Spence, I tried to stop her, but she was very persistent,” Edward stressed.

  I looked past him and saw Lawrynn… looking absolutely gorgeous. I was completely speechless, and my mouth fell open. I had never seen her looking like that before.

  “Kriss, I need to see you, please, right now!” Lawrynn expressed.

  Jasmine got my attention by nudging me, prompting me to press my lips together. I knew I wasn’t going to hear the end of it tonight, but at least this time, it would be worth it.

  Four hours before.

  Alton told me that he was taking me somewhere special and that he wanted to see me dressed up since he only saw me in work attire, which consisted of loose-fitting suits. After I dropped Russ off at home, I sped to Lennox Mall to pick out something nice. I decided that I was going to show off my curves and my legs, so I picked out a short, red, wrap around dress, and a pair of black YSL heels. While I was looking for accessories, I called Tachina, my hair stylist, and she said that she would be able to fit me in for a silk press. I hadn’t had my natural hair pressed in months, so I knew my hair had grown. I could get a good trim as well. After picking out a pair of small diamond hoops, I paid for them and sped to the beauty shop.

  “Girl, this is a lot of hair. This date better be worth it,” Tachina said, as she pulled my hair out of the ball it was in.

  “How you know it’s a date?” I queried.

  “Because there is no way you called me to fit you in just to go home. So, who is it? Is it Kriss’s husband’s, brother? What’s his name? Trevor, was it?” she asked.

  “Hell no. You know I can’t stand him, but…” I said and paused, wondering if I should tell her what happened at the wedding. Oh hell, I guess I could.

  “But what? Spill the beans. We have a couple of hours here,” she said.

  It was just Tachina and me in the shop, so I wasn’t worried about anyone else hearing. It only took me twenty minutes to tell her what I was doing before I woke up in the bed with him and couldn’t remember anything, and how he spoke to me as if he would never be attracted to me. I also told her about how he acted after he saw me with Alton. After I finished telling her, her mouth was wide open before she burst out laughing.

  “What?” I asked, because I didn’t recall saying anything funny.

  “Trevor needs humbling, and you need to be the one to do it. Don’t act like I don’t know how you can do these men, Lawrynn. He acted like he wasn’t attracted to you because he was definitely attracted to you, and he got drunk, just so he could use that as an excuse to get with you. He wanted to get with you sober but didn’t have the balls to say anything to you, fearing that you would turn him down. He’s just not used to a woman like you. And he’s jealous of Alton. Trust me.”

  “You think he’s jealous of Alton, seriously? He has no reason to be. Alton is nowhere near a billionaire.”

  “Money is not everything, Law. He’s jealous because Alton has the woman that’s not chasing him. Trevor is arroga
nt and needs to be brought down a few notches. He thinks he can have any woman he wants, and by you not wasting any time getting with Alton, his little ego was bruised.”


  I knew Trevor was arrogant because all men with money were arrogant, but I didn’t peg him to be jealous, especially not over me. I’m not his type, and he’s said that plenty of times. Tachina and I made random conversation while she was finishing up my hair. It didn’t seem like an hour and a half after all the talking she did. When she spun me around in the chair, I couldn’t believe how good I looked. Tachina had clipped my ends and parted my hair down the middle, and it was hanging past my shoulders.

  “Girl, you look amazing. Although I enjoy having you in my chair, please don’t let it be too long before I see you again,” she said, while I was marveling at my hair.

  I paid Tachina and headed home. As soon as I was at the door of my place, my phone chimed twice letting me know that I had two text messages. I pulled it out of my purse to check it; I had one from Kriss to our group chat with Russ and one from Alton.

  Kriss: Ugh, the old lady will be here in a couple of hours. Lawrynn, please take me on your date. I would much rather be there.

  Alton: God, I can’t stop thinking about you, beautiful. I can’t wait to see you in a few. I’ll send a car for you.

  I responded to Alton first.

  Me: I can’t wait to see you too. Maybe we can have dessert at my place. *wink emoji*

  Alton immediately text back.

  Alton: Of course. I love being inside of you.

  I only sent a heart-eyed emoji back because there was no way I was going to make myself horny before this date because I definitely wanted him to make me come tonight. Then I responded to Kriss.

  Me: That lady is not going to stop bothering you until you curse her out really good, and you’ll just have to argue with Spence later.

  Kriss: Listen, I’m wearing a strapless dress tonight, just to infuriate her. You know she hates when women wear their shoulders out. Her old ass. Please let me know how the date with Al goes. He’s been having you glowing. Xoxo.